After 180 days suspension from Paypal how would I withdraw it?

After a 180-day suspension from PayPal, the handling of your funds depends on the specific circumstances and the reason for the suspension. Here's what typically happens:

1. **Funds Hold:**   

   During the 180-day suspension period, PayPal will typically hold the funds in your account. You won't be able to access or withdraw these funds until the suspension is lifted or the review period is over.

2. **Communication from PayPal:** 

   PayPal will send you notifications and communication regarding the status of your account and the funds. This might include information about why the suspension occurred and what steps you need to take to resolve the issue.

3. **Resolving the Issue:**

   If the suspension was due to a specific issue, such as disputes or violations of PayPal's policies, you might need to address and resolve these issues before your account and funds are released.

4. **Account Review:**

   PayPal might review your account during the suspension period to assess the risk and ensure compliance with their policies. This review may involve verifying your identity, transactions, and activities.

5. **Withdrawal After Suspension:**

   Once the suspension period is over, and if PayPal has lifted the suspension, you should be able to access your funds and initiate withdrawals as usual.

6. **Withdrawal Options:**

   PayPal typically offers various withdrawal options, including transferring funds to your linked bank account or using other available methods.

It's important to note that the specific procedures and policies can vary based on your location, the reason for the suspension, and any changes in PayPal's policies over time. If you're unsure about the status of your funds or the actions you need to take, it's recommended to contact PayPal's customer support directly. They can provide you with accurate information based on your specific situation.

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