Get my PayPal account back if you was suspended due to being underage


If your PayPal account was suspended due to being underage and you have since turned 18, there might be a possibility of recovering your account. However, it's important to note that PayPal's policies and procedures can vary, and there's no guaranteed outcome. Here are some steps you can consider taking:

1. **Contact PayPal Customer Support:**

 Reach out to PayPal's customer support through their official channels. Explain that you were suspended due to being underage but have since turned 18. Provide any necessary documentation or identification to verify your age.

2. **Submit Documentation:**

If PayPal requests proof of your age, provide a government-issued ID or any other relevant documentation that verifies your date of birth.

3. **Explain the Situation:**  

Clearly explain the circumstances surrounding your account suspension and how you have now reached the legal age for using PayPal.

4. **Apologize and Acknowledge Mistake:**

 Acknowledge any mistakes you made by using PayPal underage and express your sincere regret. Emphasize your commitment to using PayPal responsibly now that you are of legal age.

5. **Be Patient and Persistent:**

   Resolving account issues with PayPal can sometimes take time. Be patient and persistent in your communication with customer support.

6. **Appeals Process:**

 If there's an appeals process available for account suspensions, follow the instructions to submit an appeal and explain your situation in detail.

7. **Learn from the Experience:**

   If your account is reinstated, make sure to use PayPal responsibly and in accordance with their terms of use and policies.

It's important to approach this situation with honesty and respect. PayPal's response will depend on their policies and the specific circumstances of your case. While there's no guarantee of success, taking proactive steps to address the issue and demonstrate your understanding of the situation could increase your chances of having your account reinstated. Keep in mind that PayPal's decisions are ultimately at their discretion.

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