How will I reinstate your suspended eBay account and eBay account creation?

 Reinstating a suspended eBay account and creating a new eBay account after a suspension can be complex processes that involve careful steps and adherence to eBay's policies. Here's a general overview of how to approach these situations:

**Reinstating a Suspended eBay Account:**

1. **Understand the Reason:** First, understand the reason for the suspension by reviewing any communication from eBay. This will help you address the issue effectively.

2. **Contact eBay Customer Support:** Reach out to eBay's customer support through the "Help & Contact" section on eBay's website. Explain your situation, provide relevant details, and inquire about the possibility of appealing the suspension.

3. **Appeal the Suspension:** If eBay allows appeals for the suspension, follow their instructions to submit an appeal. Clearly explain the steps you've taken to address the issue and provide any necessary documentation.

4. **Resolve the Issue:** If the suspension was due to policy violations or other issues on your part, make sure to address and rectify these issues before appealing or contacting eBay.

5. **Be Patient:** The appeals process may take time. Be patient while eBay reviews your case and responds to your appeal.

**Creating a New eBay Account After Suspension:**

1. **Address the Suspension Issue:** Before attempting to create a new account, ensure that you've addressed the issues that led to the suspension of your previous account. Creating a new account without addressing the underlying issues is against eBay's policies.

2. **Use Accurate Information:** When creating a new account, provide accurate and truthful information. Using false information can lead to further problems.

3. **Avoid Suspicion:** Be cautious about using the same contact details, payment methods, or listing patterns that were associated with your suspended account. eBay might link the new account to the suspended one if they suspect you're trying to circumvent the suspension.

4. **Follow Policies:** Familiarize yourself with eBay's policies and guidelines and make sure to follow them closely to avoid any future violations.

5. **Start Slowly:** When using a new account, start slowly with a few legitimate transactions to build credibility over time.

6. **Build Positive Feedback:** Focus on providing excellent service to buyers and building positive feedback on your new account.

Remember that eBay's policies and procedures can change, so it's important to stay updated with their guidelines. Additionally, while it's possible to appeal a suspension or create a new account, there is no guarantee of success. It's always a good idea to contact eBay's customer support for guidance and clarification based on your specific situation. 

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