What percent do you get with Amazon affiliate?

 The commission rates for Amazon affiliates, also known as Amazon Associates, vary depending on the product category. Amazon has a tiered commission structure, and the rates can change over time. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some general commission rate examples:

1. **Amazon.com (US)**:

   - Many product categories start at a base commission rate of around 1% to 3%.

   - However, some categories like electronics, fashion, and luxury beauty products can have higher commission rates, typically ranging from 3% to 10%.

   - Amazon also offers a fixed advertising fee for specific Amazon services, like Amazon Prime Video sign-ups or Amazon Fresh.

2. **Amazon.co.uk (UK)**:

   - Commission rates for Amazon.co.uk Associates program are similar to those of Amazon.com, with varying rates for different product categories.

3. **Amazon Associates for Other Countries**:

   - Amazon operates separate affiliate programs for different countries and regions, each with its own commission rates. These rates can vary widely.

It's important to note that Amazon frequently updates its commission rates, and they may vary by country and product category. Additionally, the rates may have changed since my last update in September 2021. To get the most up-to-date commission rates for your specific location and niche, you should visit the Amazon Associates website and review their current fee schedule.


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